jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

The Interview

1- What is your name? Jancki.

2- Where are you from? England.

3- Do you like Barcelona? I love Barcelona.

4- What  is your favorite place of Barcelona? I don't no, because recently that I am here.

5- How many times have you come to Barcelona? I don't no, because is the frist time I sit here.

6- Spanish people are so different from your country? This is my first time in Spanish, because the people is funny.
7- Do you go to the aquarium or zoo?(It is next to the beach) No go the aquarium or zoo.

8- Do you like the city’s weather? Yes, I like the city's wether.

9- Do you eat in fast food restaurant? No eating in fast food restaurant.

10- Will you came again to Barcelona? Yes I came again to Barcelona.

11- Do you drink tiger nut milk drink? No I drink tiger nut milk drink.

12- Do you like traveling? Yes, I like travelling.

13-Do you go alone or with other people? I go with my husband.

14-Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? I don't speak Catalan or Spanish.

Geronimo Stilton and Tea Stilton

I like the book Geronimo Stilton, because are adventure, mystery and fantasy. It is the collection of Geronimo Stilton and the collection of Tea Stilton, Tea Stilton is sister of Geronimo stilton .
Now explain one of the books of Tea Stilton.
One Univertiy they want to celebrate the 600 years, thats Univerty are opened. For celebrate, the teacher of lenguaje propose make a theater. The theater it will be of  Romeo and Juileta. All students want be the protagonists, but only two people can be the protagonists. Vanilla and Violett are the finalists. Nick is the winner of the boys, and he make of Romeo. Vanilla want be the winner. She do a letter for Violett, but she it was done pass by Nick. The letter sayed thats arrange to meet at the observatory at the 10 o'clock for rehearse the work the theater. Violett went to the observatory, and Vanilla the enclosed in the observatory. Violett ask help. She be worry, because had to go do the test the work the theater for see which of the two girls winner. The Friends of Violett to see that she were not coming they were looking.
They went to look, and felt shouts. They rescued Violett. Violett went to university and make the test. In the end winner Violett.


miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

My do you read news paper whats the news?

My name is Nerea, and today speak the newspaper and the news. I like the newspaper and the news, because being interesting for know what happens in the world.
I like reading newspaper, because there is news.
Read the newspaper, is very funny because there are words soup.
The newspapaer is very useful, because do you can bring it where want.
The newspaper are made on recycled paper.
The news is very ineresting, because we can know what pass around the world.
The news, the looking in the computer game, in the phone and the newspaper.
 The newspapar and the news is very interasting to know the news.
The conclusion is thats the news is very useful, because to know in the last hour.


martes, 15 de marzo de 2016

Description a picture text.

On the right there is a sofa. The sofa is grey on top there is a cushion. The cushion is red.
On the right there is a lamp.
On the found ground there is a rug.
On the bottom the ground there are drawing the flowers. The fowers is black.
On the left there is a table. On there are two books.
On the back found of left there is a heating.
The wall of the house is write.
On the top there is a roof. There are make up for brick.
On the back found there is a another hall the hall is white.
In the hall there is a sofa.
On the right there is a windows and a plant.
In this picture I can is about a house, thats people are working.
The door has got crystal.
Ouside the house there is the floor.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Description photography.

In this photography I can see two peoples jumping near the sea.
On the right there is a boy jumping, he has short hair, a T-shirt, it is blue and a jeans, it is black.
On the left there another boy jumping ,he has short hair, a T-shirt, it is red, and a shorts, it is black.
The sea is in the background of the kids.
The kids are in the foreground of the sea.
At the top there is the sky. You can see some clouds.
At the bottom I can see a sunset.
In the middle there is the sea.
In the ground there is a grass. It is green.