miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


#Shakespeare 400: Take 400 years old thats Shakespeare is death. The publlic celebrate the tradicion of 400 years thats Shakespeare bring death.

#stradford-upon-avon: The Stradford-upon-avon is famous, because is where born and where live Shakespeare.

#annehathaway: Anne Hathaway is married of Shakespeare. Shakespeare have 18 years old and she 26 years old.

#theglobe: The globe is the theatre. Elizabethan was reprecestant of Shakespeare.  In the theatre theys represented his works.

#plays: Shakespeare diferents theatre works.

#plague: The plague was severe enough to close the theatres. The plague was spread by fleas that had lived on ratsThe only you could do was for those who could afford it-was to leave the crowded, rat-infested cities for the country.

#1595: In this year Shakesprare make many theatre works.

#queenelizabeth: Quee Elizabeth was the queen ruling. She enjoyed plays, dances, and other entertainment during. She was very fond of Shakespeare’s plays. 

#thearmada: The armada is the battle.

#Shakespearequotes: Shakespeare quotes they are quotes, thats he make in their theatre works.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

Zika virus in Latin America

Zika virus in Latin America - level 2


Spreading: Extendre-se.


Vaccine: Vacuna.

Against: Contra

Available: Disponible.

Watch over: Vigilar.

In Latin American is spreading the Zika virus. Mosquitos carry the infection. The mosquitos could affect more than 4 million people. Brasil also are suffering around 1.5 million cases. For the women the virus is very dangerous, because can cause problems in the babies.
Brazil is trying stop the virus, but of moment they could not stop.
The virus is spreading fast. A vaccine against the virus will not be available for some years.

My opinión:

My opinión is watch over there have mosquitos, get protection for the mosquitos or one vaccine against the virus. Nowadays is much better put a vaccine. Get protection for the mosquitos, only lasts a few hours.